Ko Kā Uri te tomokanga ki te Hiku o te ika. I konei noa ka whakanuia, ā, whakairohia hoki ko wai mātau, ā ka mutu, he mea tuari atu i ēnei mātauranga ki ngā manuhiri o te ao. Ko te manako nui o te iwi nei, ka mārama ai te makihua tāngata ki ngā mea whakahirahira rawa o te rohe nei.
Kā Uri is the gateway to the Far North. It is where we celebrate and record who we are, and where we share this understanding with visitors from all around the world. It is our hope that all those that connect with us, understand the significance of this region and its many layers.
Kā Ora, He tohu i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te oranga tonutanga mō te iwi, pēnei i ngā rautaki kua whakatakotoria ai hei puipuiaki mō ngā uri kāore anō kia whānau mai. He māra whāngai i ngā kai mārō, kia ekea, ā, ka tūwhera hoki i ngā ringaringa ō aroha, ō whakaaro pai ki ngā manuhiri ka tae ki te rohe nei.
Kā Ora represents all aspects of wellbeing for our people, including our strategies to ensure a better future for those yet to be born. It is where we sustain life and potential and where we share our care and consideration to all those that visit our region.
Ko Kā Uri te tomokanga ki te Hiku o te ika. I konei noa ka whakanuia, ā, whakairohia hoki ko wai mātau, ā ka mutu, he mea tuari atu i ēnei mātauranga ki ngā manuhiri o te ao. Ko te manako nui o te iwi nei, ka mārama ai te makihua tāngata ki ngā mea whakahirahira rawa o te rohe nei.
Kā Oho represents our care and protection for Ngāti Kuri cultural heritage, places and events of significance. This domain has a research, knowledge education focus. The understanding of these connections are critical to our cultural continuity through time.
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